His research focuses on applying the biomechanical and neuromechanical origins of human motion to monitor human health, disease, and injury. And in true biomedical engineering spirit, Dr. Kuo recognizes that matters like concussion mechanisms, neck biomechanics, and human vestibular processing are complex, interdisciplinary problems and thus need to be tackled using integrative approaches. He specializes in the development of wearable human motion sensors to capture injuries such as concussions and anterior cruciate ligament tears as they occur in the real world. In addition to this, Calvin Kuo’s work hones in on modeling how humans use biological motion sensors to form perceptions and control movement.
With the SBME, Dr. Kuo aims to refine this crucial research to provide continuous monitoring for all aspects of human motion with the goal of contributing to real-time feedback and health assessment in the future.
When it comes to teaching and training, Dr. Kuo believes in leading by example to pass on a continuing legacy of research:
“I want to inspire students to think of real-world applications,” he emphasizes. “As my mentors did with me, I hope to continue the tradition of passing down knowledge and inspiring young minds to train the next generation of scientists and engineers.”
Dr. Kuo has been at UBC since 2018 as a Killam Postdoctoral Researcher with Drs. Jean-Sébastien Blouin and Dinesh Pai. Prior to his time at UBC, Dr. Kuo earned his Master’s and PhD — both in Mechanical Engineering — at Stanford University.
Outside of research, Calvin lives what he preaches, and can be found connecting with the public, particularly children, to inspire them to pursue STEM fields. If you’re ever at the Telus World of Science, you might have even bumped into Calvin at Teen Tuesdays and Faculty Faceoffs, as he’s a regular there! He also loves engaging through UBC’s own Geering Up program and demonstrating the latest technologies in wearable monitoring systems.
Dr. Kuo is also a Core Member of the Centre for Hip Health and Mobility (CHHM) a UBC Senate-approved centre supported by the UBC Faculty of Medicine and the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute.
We are thrilled to have Dr. Calvin Kuo joining us, and we look forward to the exciting advances his teaching and research will undoubtedly have in the fields of healthcare and biomedical engineering.
Learn more about Dr Kuo’s work by visiting HuMBL lab website: http://humbl.bme.ubc.ca/