About PBME Timetable
The PBME timetable offers students the opportunity to follow a path that is a slight modification of the standard first-year BASc program at UBC Vancouver. The timetable is designed to provide organized access to courses that are pre-requisites for the 2nd year BME program as well as give students a solid foundation in the application of engineering in the context of biological systems.
Watch the UBC School of Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Program video
PBME Timetable Informational Session
The PBME timetable offers incoming BASc students the opportunity to follow a path that is a slight modification of the standard first year BASc program, introducing students to biomedical engineering. The timetable is designed to provide organized access to courses that are pre-requisites for the 2nd year biomedical engineering program as well as give students a solid foundation in the application of engineering in the context of biological systems.
SBME Advisors will hold monthly virtual info sessions for anyone who has questions about the PBME Pathway and the SBME program.
Info sessions will be held on the first Tuesday of every month, starting in November.
If you have questions about this session, please contact students@sbme.ubc.ca.
How to Apply for the PBME Timetable
PBME is a specialized first-year timetable, and the application process is therefore competitive. Applicants must first apply and be offered a seat in the Bachelor of Applied Science (Vancouver campus) program. Interested applicants must subsequently complete an online supplementary form and an online video-based interview for consideration to be registered in the PBME Timetable.
As a competitive first-year program with limited seats, entry into the PBME Timetable will be adjudicated using a holistic approach; applicants will be assessed based on academic standing, passion and demonstrated understanding of biomedical engineering (BME), and leadership or involvement in extra-curricular activities. The supplementary form and video interview are a chance to share your passion for BME and to demonstrate an organized approach to problem-solving. In a field that involves solving complex challenges that cut across engineering and medicine, we are seeking future leaders who embrace challenges and are driven to make a difference in others’ lives, as demonstrated through their academics, work, hobbies, volunteering, and everyday life.
PBME Timetable Application Process
Students who have been admitted to the Faculty of Applied Science will be offered the opportunity to apply to PBME. The invitation and instructions will be sent via email, which includes the online supplementary form as well as a link to a video-based interview.
Application Process
1. . Application Form
• The email received by the students will include a link to access the application form.
• Students need to complete the form and submit it via the online portal.
• If any student does not receive the link to the application form, they can reach out to admissions@sbme.ubc.ca for assistance.
• The application form consists of four parts, and should take no longer than an hour to
• Part 1: Personal Information
• Students will provide their name, email address, UBC student number, and information about their academic history.
• Part 2: Questions
• There are two questions, each limited to 250 words.
• Students are asked to share personal insights on why they are interested in Pre-Biomedical Engineering and what makes them an exceptional candidate.
• Part 3: Résumé/CV Upload
• Students need to upload a recent copy of their résumé or Curriculum Vitae (CV).
• Part 4: Transcript Upload
• Students need to upload a copy of their high school transcript.
2. Video Interview
• The email invitation will also contain a link to a pre-recorded online video interview application.
• Students need to use the link to access the video interview platform and complete it before the deadline.
• This interview submission should take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete, including review of instructions.
Please note that both the application form and the video interview need to be submitted before the application deadline. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
PBME Minimum Requirements
• Students must first have been admitted to the standard first year, Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) program for the upcoming academic term.
• Students must have completed both Chemistry 12 (or equivalent) and Physics 12 (or equivalent) by the time they are submitting a PBME application. Please note that Biology 11, 12 or equivalent is strongly recommended and preferred, but is not required.
• Students must complete an application form and pre-recorded video interview.
PBME Timetable Courses
Students in the PBME timetable will have courses that vary slightly from the standard first-year timetable in the following way:
Standard Timetable | Pre-BME Timetable |
APSC 100, 101, 160 | APSC 100, 160, |
CHEM 154 | CHEM 121, 123 |
WRDS 150 (1) | WRDS 150 (1) |
MATH 100, 101, 152 | MATH 100, 101, 152 |
PHYS 157, 158, 159, 170 | PHYS 157, 158, 170 |
Humanities or Social Science elective | |
(1) Or another first-year English Course. |
Priority Placement into Second Year
Taking the PBME Timetable does not guarantee placement into the BME undergraduate program, but it does make students eligible for priority placement and gives them all the pre-requisites needed for second-year.
In order to qualify for priority placement, students who are in the PBME Timetable must meet the following conditions:
• Have a sessional average at the end of the Winter Session of 72% or higher
• Be eligible for year 2 standing as determined by Engineering Student Services
• Successful completion of CHEM 123* by May 15th
• Successful completion of BMEG 101 and 102 by May 15th
Submit a:
• program placement preference form
• and identify BME as your first choice. The form is released in March.
• Students who complete the PBME Timetable but do not meet one of more of these conditions will still be considered for placement in BME through the normal competitive placement process.
More Information
Please consult the FAQ page or contact us at admissions@sbme.ubc.ca if you have any questions.