Intellectual Property (IP) Strategy and Management

Intellectual Property (IP) Strategy and Management

This is one of two courses in the UBC Micro-certificate in Innovation Leadership: Medical & Bio-Innovations.

In today’s rapidly evolving bioeconomy, the strategic management of intellectual property (IP) is more than a legal requirement; it is a pivotal component of innovation, competitive advantage and business success. However, navigating the complexity of designing and implementing IP strategies for innovation presents significant challenges for professionals across the healthcare and biotechnology sectors.

UBC’s School of Biomedical Engineering has developed this ten-week course to equip learners with critical knowledge and skills to manage IP effectively in the context of Canada’s bioeconomy and beyond. It focuses on practical application, demystifying IP strategy and making it accessible to professionals looking to protect their innovations, navigate patent laws, and leverage IP for significant business development and fundraising.

Through guest lectures by a diverse panel of industry experts and an emphasis on real-world learning experiences, by the end of this course you’ll be able to:

• Understand the various types of IP and how they can be protected and managed within Canadian and global legal frameworks

• Develop and implement effective IP strategies in technology development

• Perform the patent filing and prosecution process, including how to successfully protect innovations in academic and business settings

• Leverage IP as a strategic asset in business development, commercialization and fundraising

• Address ethical and regulatory considerations, including the impact of emerging technologies like AI on IP management

Course Details

Course Outline

Week 1: Introduction to Intellectual Property
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the basic concepts and principles of intellectual property (IP). Learn about the various types of IP including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, and their role in protecting innovations. Explore how IP drives innovation and growth within Canada’s bioeconomy.

Week 2: Patent Fundamentals and Eligibility
Deepen your understanding of patents, starting from the basics of patentability to the intricacies of global patent laws and the filing process. Explore different types of patent claims and the concept of prior art, learning about their roles in fostering innovation across various jurisdictions including Canada, the US and the EU.

Week 3: Patent Filing and Prosecution
This week focuses on the critical processes of patent filing and prosecution, providing a comprehensive understanding of their types and significance. Explore detailed case studies of patent prosecution to see how strategic approaches can drive innovation and growth in the biotech sector.

Week 4: IP Strategy Development
Dive into the process of developing effective IP strategies tailored for the biotech sector. This week covers the basics of creating IP strategies, their implementation, and how they can be aligned with business development and innovation management.

Week 5: Technology Transfer and Licensing
This week delves into the concepts of technology transfer and licensing, essential for promoting technology development and growth in the biotech sector. Explore the fundamentals of technology transfer, develop effective licensing strategies, and understand key considerations for successful negotiations.

Week 6: Entrepreneurship, Business Model Development, and Commercialization Aspects of IP
Explore the entrepreneurship and commercialization aspects of IP in the biotech sector, focusing on IP valuation, business model development, and practical insights into company formation. This week covers the entrepreneurial journey in biotech, detailing the common challenges and strategies for successful commercialization of IP.

Week 7: Ethics and AI in IP Management
Delve into the ethics of using AI in innovation and IP management, exploring ethical dilemmas and the balance between innovation, public welfare and access. This week will also cover data ethics in R&D management and the specific implications of AI on IP in the Canadian and global biotech sectors.

Week 8: Regulatory Compliance, Clinical Trials, and Global IP Management
Explore the interconnection between regulatory compliance, clinical trials, and IP management, focusing on how they collectively influence the design, execution and growth of biotech companies globally. This week provides insights into the regulatory landscape, including the processes and certifications required for drug and medical device approvals, and how these regulations impact IP strategies in the biotech sector.

Week 9: Collaborations and Partnerships in IP Management
Explore the nuances of managing intellectual property within collaborations and partnerships. Experts will discuss strategies for protecting IP and the role of IP in fostering successful joint ventures and cooperative relationships.

Week 10: Capstone Project and Course Wrap-up
The final week features a blended workshop, designed to integrate and apply the knowledge participants have accumulated throughout the course. This week will focus on practical exercises, a capstone project presentation, and interactive discussions with IP experts.

How Am I Assessed?

You will be assessed through a combination of assignments, weekly reflections, participation in live Q&A sessions, quizzes, engagement in online discussion forums, and the execution of a capstone project.
These assessments are structured to showcase your understanding and application of intellectual property concepts within various contexts, particularly Canada’s bioeconomy.

This course operates on a pass/fail basis. Engagement across all components of the course is essential for meeting the passing criteria, affirming your competency in the strategic management of intellectual property.

Learner evaluation

• Live session participation:10%

• Quizzes: 20%

• Reflection assignments: 20%

• Discussion participation: 20%

• Capstone project: 30%

Expected effort
Expect to spend 1 – 2.5 hours per week completing all learning activities, including attending real-time online sessions and attending the blended workshop (5 hours).

The course culminates with a capstone project presented at the half-day workshop where participants develop and present a comprehensive IP strategy for a hypothetical biotech innovation. The workshop also includes mock negotiations, patent drafting exercises, presentation of the capstone project, and interactive Q&A and networking with course subject matter experts.

Technology Requirements

To take this program, you need access to:

• an email account

• a computer, laptop or tablet

• the latest version of a web browser (or previous major version release)

• a reliable internet connection

• a video camera and microphone

• requisites

You can take this course on its own or opt to pursue the Micro-certificate in Innovation Leadership: Medical and Bio-innovations by also completing Unmet Needs in Healthcare: Strategy and Solutions. [add link]
The Innovation Leadership micro-certificate program consists of two courses of ten weeks each. You may take the courses in any order. Combined, the courses take 50 to 70 hours to complete.

Course Format

This part-time blended course is instructor-supported and combines real-time online sessions with independent study. In Week 10, there is a blended workshop at the UBC Vancouver campus. The workshop is also accessible online, allowing remote learners to actively participate.

Every other week, learners can participate in live lectures and Q&A sessions, engaging with a diverse panel of industry leaders and subject matter experts including IP attorneys, R&D managers in the life sciences, entrepreneurs and start-up founders, policy makers, investors and regulatory affairs specialists, and academic researchers and professors.

On their own time, learners can access pre-recorded video lectures, case studies, podcasts, readings, and expert presentations, as well as participate in online discussion forums.

Understanding is assessed through quizzes and practical exercises. For the capstone project, a hallmark of the course, participants apply their learning to develop a comprehensive IP strategy for a hypothetical biotech innovation, fostering a deep integration of theoretical knowledge with practical application.

Available Sessions

Start Dates

Sessions / Days



October 9, 2024

Weds, Sat

09:00 am – 5:30 pm
