Career Accelerator: Mentors & Mentees

SBME’s Career Accelerator:

Welcome Mentors & Mentees

You’ll find everything you need to know to participate in our new mentorship program.

Hello, Mentors & Mentees

On behalf of the School of Biomedical Engineering (SMBE), we’re extending a warm welcome to all mentors and mentees. We believe the SBME Career Accelerator program will set our students on the path to success by providing a mentorship platform for students to gain valuable career insights and build a professional network.

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Program Overview

SBME’s Career Accelerator

Launched in partnership with STEMCELL Technologies and Advice to a Scientist in 2022, SBME’s Career Accelerator offers mentorship opportunities for our graduate students as they identify possible career options and learn how to transition into those careers following training.

Individual Development Plans

SBME’s Career Accelerator uses an Individual Development Plan (IDP) to identify mentors and match students. An IDP is a tool that supports trainees prepare for the career of their choice by establishing career goals and identifying skill gaps. Through the IDP, mentors are matched with students whose career goals are a good fit.

Through the initial IDP, students will have the opportunity for self-evaluation and reflection, and together with their mentor, will develop an action plan to track goals and progress. The IDP will also serve as a communication tool, enabling both parties to set expectations and training outcomes.

For more information about IDP’s, please visit CIHR’s IDP Resource website.

Program Timeline & Deliverable

Welcome Orientation

Career Accelerator Welcome Orientation!

SBME will be hosting an Orientation and Program Kick-off event for matched mentee and mentor pairs.

WHEN: November 28th, from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

WHERE: Online

IDP Review & Goal Setting

When: November 2024

Purpose: To review and discuss your Individual Development Plan (IDP) with your mentor, laying the foundation for goal setting and career planning.

During your first meeting, you’ll have an insightful discussion with your mentor to review your IDP. This conversation will help you clarify your career aspirations, identify skill gaps, and set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). Together, you’ll begin to develop a roadmap that aligns with your long-term career objectives.
This meeting is a key step in establishing a meaningful mentorship relationship and creating a clear plan for your growth and success in your chosen career path.

RESOURCES: For more information about IDP’s, please visit CIHR’s IDP Resource website.

IDP Plan & Development

Insights from the IDP in Steps 1, 2, and 3, and your initial discussion can be used to prepare a plan. Ensure that both goals and objectives are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound).

WHEN: November

RESOURCES: Please use CIHR’s IDP plan development template to set goals and objectives for Step 4. Questions to help you outline a plan of action can be found in the Mentor guidebook, or on CIHR’s website.

Plan Refinement & Implementation

Plan refinement involves a discussion between the mentor and mentee about the student, their IDP and the goals and objectives outlined in the IDP, with the aim to improve it. The IDP is a living document and can be revised multiple times as required. Review and revision are essential to implementing an effective IDP. As this discussion moves the IDP from the development phase to the implementation phase, the conversation can assure that expectations are clear, the goals and objectives are SMART and that the student and mentor have a shared understanding of the plan and are committed to the plan.

WHEN: November to April


One or two weeks prior to your meeting:

1. Trainee will provide a copy of their IDP for review and prepare questions for their mentor.

2. Mentors can use the template IDP plan refinement & implementation sections (Steps 4 & 5) to provide insights, and any useful resource and/or network that can help refine the plan.

RESOURCES: Please use CIHR’s IDP plan development template to set goals and objectives for Step 5. Questions to help you outline a plan of action can be found in the Mentor guidebook, or on CIHR’s website.

Program Evaluation

At the end of the program, mentors and mentees will review the IDP, reflect on outcomes and evaluate success based on the goals laid out in the IDP. Mentees will be asked to complete a final report (max 500 words), to reflect on their experiences and discuss how the program contributed to their research and career goals. In addition, the mentee-mentor pair will be asked to fill out a program evaluation survey. Survey results will help organizers evaluate and improve the mentorship program.

WHEN: Due May 13th, 2025


• Please reflect on your mentorship experience and how this Program contributed to your research and career goals

• Please reflect on your goals & action plan, then reflect on your outcomes and evaluate success based on your IDP

• Max 500 words – please email directly to by May 13th, 2025

SURVEY: Please fill out the program evaluation survey by May 13th, 2025

Program Timeline & Deliverables

The mentorship program will take place from November to April. Through monthly check-ins, participants will be able to assess progress and outcomes and set new goals. At the end of the program, SBME will ask mentors and mentees to reflect on their outcomes and evaluate success based on the goals laid out in the IDP.

The table below provides milestones, deliverables and resources to support both mentors and mentees through the mentorship process.

Program Milestone Calendar



November 28, 2024 from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
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Orientation and Program Kick-off event


1st Meeting


Mid-Point Review: Check progress on goals, adjust the IDP as necessary, and seek feedback on both technical and soft skills.


Mentee completes self-evaluation and reviews IDP outcomes with mentor

May 13

Evaluation: Final Report & Survey due