Minimum Number of Instalments

Each graduate program has a minimum number of tuition installments required. After the minimum number of installments has been paid, the student pays three more installments of regular fees, and then fees are reduced to ‘continuing’ tuition installments for the remaining duration of the student’s normal time eligibility in the program (five years for master’s, six years for doctoral).

Tuition Instalments

MASC: 3 minimum instalments; continuing fees after 6th instalment.

MENg: 3 minimum instalments; continuing fees after 6th instalment.

PhD: 6 minimum instalments; continuing fees after 9th instalment.

MASc Tuition Fees

Please consult fees under ‘Standard Master’s Degree Programs‘. Schedule A (full-time students), Schedule B (part-time students).

PhD Tuition Fees

Please consult fees under ‘Standard Doctoral Degree Programs‘. Schedule A (full-time students), Schedule B (part-time students). Schedule A (full-time students), Schedule B (part-time students).

MEng Tuition Fees TUITION FEES

The M.Eng. is considered a ‘Specialized Master’s Degree Program‘. Please consult its fees under ‘Master of Engineering (full-time)’.

Important notes:

• Tuition fees are charged every term a M.Eng. student is registered for courses and/or internship (BMEG 597). Tuition is not charged during an ‘Applied Science Co-Op’ term; but a course fee will be charged. This fee is not considered a MEng instalment. Students must pay a minimum of 3 instalments of tuition per program.

Important: MENg students must complete their internship requirements AND submit deliverables by the last day of the term to avoid tuition for the following term. If a student misses the deadline for submission he/she will need to re-register in BMEG 597 the following term, and pay tuition and student fees. Partial tuition will be refunded for full unused months once the program is completed. Student fees are not refundable, except for unloaded U-Passes.

Program Completion

Prorated Tuition


Students who have paid more than the minimum instalments for their degree will have their tuition fees prorated to the end of the month in which the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies confirms that all degree requirements have been completed. This includes the submission of either their major paper or final project to their department or their thesis to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies’ Office.


Students who have paid more than the minimum instalments for their Meng degree will have their tuition fees prorated to the end of the month in which the Faculty of Applied Science confirms that all degree requirements have been completed. This includes the completion of internship requirements and course work.

Please contact Enrolment Services for tuition refund calculations.

Enrolment Services Contact Form. Telephone: 604-822-9836.

UBC Student Fees

All UBC students are assessed student fees to help cover the costs of resources available to students. Most of these fees are mandatory but some have opt-out provisions. All student fees are charged and payable annually, with the exception of the U-Pass, which is charged in three instalments payable in September, January, and May.

Student Fees Established and Approved by the UBC Board of Governors

General Student Fees Established and Approved by a Student Society

Summer Session Student Fees

Refunds and Opting Out of Student Fees

Questions about fees should be directed to Enrolment Services or