Course Information


This course is a research project guided by a faculty member in Biomedical Engineering. This project will be conducted over one term (BMEG 490A) or two terms (BMEG 490B). You will work with a supervising faculty member in their lab to propose a research question and perform the research. There will be several deliverables, including reports and presentations. 

BMEG 490A and BMEG 490B can be applied as a stream elective in addition the minimum requirement elective courses.

Course Information

Learning Objectives

• To gain experience with academic research 

• To gain a deeper knowledge of a specialization in your area of interest 

• To provide personal insights into research for evaluating your future career and/or study choices 

• To gain an understanding of the different approach needed for research compared to other coursework. This involves creating new knowledge instead of the acquisition of existing knowledge.


Fourth-year standing, and at least 80% average in third-year courses, and permission of the instructor.

Research Project

A suitable research project will require the student to gain experience in research methods and skills. The research experience should be intellectually challenging where students need to use their judgement and critical thinking skills.

Student Evaluation

Students are expected to spend approximately 20% of their time, or 8-10 hours/week, on their research project as this course is 3-credits per term.

Steps to Register

Follow the link below to express your interest in either course.

Steps to Register

Already have a potential faculty/project?

If you have already identified an SBME Faculty as your project supervisor, please note this in the Qualtrics survey.

Don’t have a potential faculty/project yet?

Interested students will be given access to a list of proposed projects from SBME faculty members over the summer. Students will be given instructions on how to apply to the faculty member’s project. If the faculty member agrees to work with the student and the student is eligible to take the course, they can be registered for the course.

Instructions for faculty wishing to advertise project ideas

Any SBME faculty that has a project idea, please email SBME Student Services (please use “Project idea for BMEG 490A or B” as the subject line). You will need to include a brief (100-200 word) abstract of the project prior to the start of term (ideally by August 1st). The course coordinator will collect the project descriptions, post them, and advertise to students interested in the course. Students will then apply to work with faculty members on the specific project.