
Inclusive. Collaborative. Relentlessly Curious.

We are a community of learners, educators, staff, researchers and entrepreneurs working to change human health and healthcare for all. Our university, hospital and industry partnerships connect across Canada’s flourishing life sciences community, and we are situated on UBC’s stunning Point Grey Campus in Vancouver, BC. Driven to transform medicine? Then you are most welcome here.

View all current opportunities below or reach out to learn more about SBME Careers.

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SBME Opportunities


SBME currently has an Executive Assistant to the Program Directors and Office Receptionist position open. Please click on the job posting to learn more about the position and apply. Apply externally. Apply internally.


We currently have a position for a Research Associate position in Pluripotent Stem Cell, Lung Differentiation, and Genomics Project available within the Shakiba Laboratory at the School of Biomedical Engineering. To learn more about the position or to apply, please view the job posting.


No positions currently open.


There is currently a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Next-Generation Nanomedicine position available. The successful candidate will work on a project developing new lipid and polymeric strategies for RNA delivery, and will work within both the Blakney Lab and the Kizhakkedathu lab. To learn more about the position or to apply, please view the job posting.

Internal Faculty Search

No current opportunities. 

Become an Associate Member

Associate Membership in the School of Biomedical Engineering is an unofficial position given to a faculty member outside of the school when there is a need to have a formal arrangement to participate in teaching, research and service. This is not a joint appointment. To request membership please see here for more instructions: Associate Membership Application. Each application will be reviewed by the School’s leadership team.

Notes on applying for Associate Membership

The term for Associate membership is a maximum of 3 years. For renewal, a new application package must be submitted. It is expected that each member participate in at least one teaching and/or service activity (i.e. serve on a SBME committee, other than graduate supervisory committees). This activity must be clearly outlined in the letter of intent.

Teaching and Committees

Teaching activities fall under our undergraduate and graduate curriculum umbrellas. Note that our students do take courses in other departments. SBME-specific courses are coded as BMEG courses.

Our list of committees continues to expand as the school itself expands. Below is a list SBME committees:

  • Undergrad Curriculum Committee
  • Undergrad Admissions Committee
  • Graduate Program Scholarship/Awards Committee
  • Graduate Program Policy Committee
  • MEng Admissions Committee
  • PhD Rotation Committee
  • Research Awards Committee
  • Research Advisory Committee
  • Faculty Mentorship Committee
  • Indigenous Engagement Committee
  • REDI Committee

Be open. Be Curious.

Be You.

Equity and diversity are essential to an enriching and inspiring academic and scientific experience. The SBME is open to everyone. Those who have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code whether it be sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit or Indigenous person are welcome here. We’re excited to have you join us.

If you are a qualified candidate and you want to help shape the future of health and healthcare, please apply.

Note that Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.