Research Theme:
Cellular & Molecular Engineering, Imaging and Computational Biology,Research Interests:
human gut microbiome; response of microbial communities to perturbations during disease; imaging; microfluidics; computational techniques; inflammatory bowel diseaese
Dr. Carolina Tropini is an Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia in the School of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Microbiology and Immunology. She is a Paul Allen Distinguished Investigator, a Johnson & Johnson Women in STEM2D Scholar in the field of Engineering, a CIFAR Fellow in the Human & the Microbiome Program and a Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Scholar. Dr. Tropini received her B.Sc. in biophysics with honours and conducted her Ph.D. in Biophysics at Stanford University. She did her postdoc in Microbiology at Stanford. The Tropini lab is a cross-disciplinary group that incorporates techniques from diverse disciplines to engineer microbes and improve human health.