
Associate Professor, Dept of Chemical & Biological Engineering and SBME


Research Theme:

Research Interests:

tissue engineering, synthetic biology, medical biotechnology, metabolic engineering, drug delivery, infectious disease pathogenesis and drug discover


In addition to green engineering, his research group also pursues medical biotechnology research, and focuses on three stages in the drug discovery life cycle – (1) bioengineering for assay development, (2) biosynthetic engineering for lead generation, and (3) pharmaceutical product development, wherein he is pursuing novel fabrication techniques to produce dosage forms. Prof. Yadav’s research program is distinguished by its impact and strong emphasis on technology translation, and his group currently collaborates with several companies, including Metabolik Technologies Inc., InMed Pharmaceuticals Inc., Sanofi Pasteur, Phytonix Corporation, STEMCELL Technologies and Agartee Technologies.

His research group has built a reputation for being a ‘beehive of excellence’ that attracts highly achieving students to conduct interdisciplinary research. A number of his trainees have secured professorships or admission at reputed academic institutions or employed at leading corporations around the globe. He has trained or is training 4 post-doctoral fellows, 6 PhD students, 8 Master students and 22 undergraduate students.

He is presently the Chair of the Biotechnology Division of the Chemical Institute of Canada, Associate Editor of Catalysis in Green Chemistry & Engineering and the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. He was previously an Associate Scientific Advisor for Science Translational Medicine. He is also the Chief Technology Officer of Metabolik Technologies Inc., an environmental biotechnology company, and serves on the boards of InMed Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Reazent.