Director of (ICICS)
Professor, Depts of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Research Theme:
Imaging & Computational Biology,
Research Interests:
New acquisition techniques for 2D and 3D ultrasound
Dr. Rohling Ph.D., is a Professor at the University of British Columbia (UBC) with appointments in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. After earning a doctoral degree in Information Engineering from Cambridge University, Dr. Rohling developed 3D medical imaging software in industry before starting a faculty position at UBC in 2001. His work spans medical imaging with a focus on ultrasound, image-guided interventions and tissue characterization. In 2019 he received the NSERC Synergy award together with Ultrasonix for advancing the open-architecture ultrasound research interface and enhancing industry-academia collaboration. He holds 16 granted patents and has founded two startups: Sonic Incytes, who is in market with an ultrasound-based tool for quantifying liver disease, and Sonus Microsystems, who is developing polymer-based ultrasound transducers. To recognize these research achievements, Dr. Rohling was elected Fellow of the IEEE in 2018. At UBC, he is also the Director of the Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems where 150 faculty members are engaged in multi-disciplinary research. Within the institute, he also manages the HATCH venture builder to support university-based startups. Today, Dr. Rohling’s main efforts are to build a research environment that goes beyond a multidisciplinary approach to a convergent approach. Convergent research involves bringing a full range of relevant expertise to bear upon defining and tackling difficult research problems, with knowledge translation and impact as key outcomes.